Monday, November 23, 2009

Gmod Parents FAQ

I've heard that some people have a problem with their parents doubting whether or not to get Garry's Mod, so here's an FAQ for them:

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wired hoverballs and thrusters

More updates!

This time, they're about wired hoverballs. In some servers I've been in, some people wonder how I make my wired things go up or down with wired (as opposed to regular) hoverballs. Also a point of discussion is how to make thrusters bidirectional. You probably think, "I've checked the box, but I have no new outputs. Huh?". No worries, I'll explain both in this post.

First up are the hoverballs. They have two inputs, ZVelocity and Hovermode. I'm pretty sure that in the last (outdated) version of Wire, they had a third input, ZPosition, I think.

Hoverballs are pretty simple to use, but moving them is a bit harder. Hovermode is self-explanatory, and it is a 1/0 input, meaning if the value is 0, it will be off, and if the value is 1, it will be on. ZVelocity is sometimes tricky to use. I usually move wired hoverballs up and down using:

-Add gates
-Negate gates
-Advanced Pod Controllers (APC)[Optional]

The method of linking them up is this:

1) Wire the A of the Negate to the Adv. Pod input of the button you want it to go down with. If you're not using an APC, make sure that the value is positive. It doesn't necessarily have to be 1.
2) Wire the A of the add to the Adv. Pod input of the button you want it to go up with. Same as above.
3) Wire the B of the add to the Negate gate.
4) Wire the ZVelocity of any hoverballs you wish to control to the Add gate.

Quick explanation:

When you press the button that triggers the Negate gate, the ZVelocity registers it as a -1 through the add gate, and the hoverball knows that it needs to go down. When you press the button that triggers the Add gate, the opposite thing happens. If you press both buttons, nothing will happen because the values cancel each other out (-1+1=0).

If you still have a version of Wire that has the third input, ZPosition, the routine is basically the same, except for the fact that you need to add an accumulator chip (Gate-Time). Wire the hoverballs to the accumulator and the accumulator to the add gate.

On to Thrusters:

If you want one thruster to go backwards and forwards instead of 2 doing the same thing, read on.

This routine is basically the same as for the hoverballs. You need:

-1 Add gate
-1 Negate gate
-1 thruster
-An APC (Pod Controller)[Optional]

1) Wire the A of the Add gate to the value which should make it go forward, and the B to the Negate gate.
2) Wire the Negate to the value which should make it go backward.
3) Wire the thruster to the Add gate.

You're all set! Unfortunately, sometimes if you use 1 thruster instead of 2, you might get some deviation from the path that you wanted to take. This can be solved by using 2 thrusters with the above method, one at the (front/left/top) and one at the (back/right/bottom).

As always, if you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to email me.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Advanced Pod Controllers

Sometimes, people have problems with Advanced Pod Controllers and how to use them, so I thought I'd make a tutorial for those people.

Basically, the Advanced Pod Controller (APC) is used so you can use most of your buttons inside the pod (W, A, S, D, mouse1/2, space, etc.). It's really useful when making vehicles using the APC instead of the numpad because this way, you can use your mouse to look around instead of constantly jumping back and forth between the mouse and the numpad. First of all, to enable the APC, you need to spawn one somewhere (most likely attached to your vehicle/contraption) and link it to the seat you're using by right clicking on the APC and right clicking on the seat.

Instead of writing all the inputs here, I copied them from the GMod wiki page.



  • Lock - Disables anyone from getting in. NOTE: Does not disable keys.
  • Terminate - Kills the player inside.
  • Strip weapons - Removes all the weapons of the player inside.
  • Eject - Ejects the player inside.
  • Disable - Sets W, S, A, D, R, Space, Alt, Shift, Mouse1, Mouse2, and Zoom values to 0.
  • Crosshairs - Toggles the crosshairs for the vehicle.
  • Brake - Turns on the Hand Break for the vehicle.
  • Allow Buttons - Allows you to interact with Wire Buttons with the left mouse button
  • Relative - Makes the Bearing and Elevation outputs relative to the Bearing and Elevation of the pod.
  • Damage Health - Damages Health by input amount.
  • Damage Armor - Damages Armor by input amount.

The outputs are fairly self-explanatory, up to these few:

X, Y, Z, Distance, Active, and Team.

The XYZ outputs are for where the player is looking when he is inside the pod. This is useful if you want to make a missile and need it to fly at a moving target.

Distance is how far away the point the player is looking at is.

Team is what team the player is (Not really used any more, some servers I've been on use the teams Mingebag, Respected, Admin, Guest, etc.)

Active is useful for if you want a person getting in the seat to trigger something. I recently used this with a sound emitter to make an engine sound for a car.

If you have any further questions, email me.